The Weave of the Great Mother
Online Goddess teachings introduced by Priestess of Avalon, Kathy Jones
With Priest/esses of Avalon Marga Nobell, Sarah Perini, Aline Castell, Freddie Finotto, Luiza Frazao, Laura Ghianda, Jana de Madrid and Maya Vasallo
The Snake Witch of Gotland, Urd and the World Tree
With Margareta Nobell

An introduction to Norse myth, world view and ancient Goddesses of the Northern hemisphere.
Come with me and visit the living World Tree! We will meet Urd, sometimes called Wyrd, the Ancient One who guards the Web of Life together with Her sisters. Through storytelling, magical music and a guided journey you will get acquainted with them and some other important Beings known from the Norse mythology.
Margareta Nobell is a Priestess of Avalon and a Shamanic Priestess of Urd, with more than 25 years experience in shamanic work. Margareta runs the Path of Urd priestess training in Sweden.
Find out more about Marga’s work at
The Ancient Italian and Mediterranean Goddesses: from Potnia to Diana
by Sarah Perini

In my presentation I will underline the existence of a unitary female divinity or Goddess, throughout the Mediterranean area, with different names but with common characteristics. Specifically: the Naked Goddess, the Goddess showing Breasts, the Goddess who Holds or Suckles, the Bird Goddess, the Serpent Goddess, the Dove Goddess, the Goddess Potnia of plants and animals, and the Goddess Lucifera of Fire. In the Italian and Latin pre-Roman religion we will explore Fortuna, Bona Dea, Mater Matuta, Feronia and Diana.
Sarah Perini is a Priestess of Avalon, trained in Glastonbury Goddess Temple with Erin McCauliff and Kathy Jones. She is also a Priestess of Rhiannon training with Katinka Soetens. Sarah studied foreign languages and literature at the University of Turin. She is inspired by the work of Maria Gimbutas, Riane Eisler, Luciana Percovich, Kathy Jones, Katinka Soetens, Vicki Noble, Tsultrim Allione, Marguerite Rigoglioso, Starhawk, Phyllis Curott, Heide Göttner-Abendroth, and many others. She has helped organise workshops and seminars in Italy for many of these teachers.
Sarah is an independent researcher, author, editor, organizer and counsellor. Since 2005 she worked in publishing houses in the field of spirituality and women’s studies, such as Psiche 2, Venexia, Ester, with the translation and publishing of Goddess-oriented, feminist and spiritual books. She has collaborated with other organizations that spread the sacred feminine culture in Italy.
She is the author of three books in English: Priestesses and Queens of Avalon in King Arthur’s Age, also available in English; Ask the Earth: The Art of Geomantic Divination; The Magic Symbolism of Coffee and its readings. As well as books in Italian.
Sarah is the Founder and Director of the Turin Goddess Temple from 2015 where she offers: Seasonal Ceremonies, Women’s Circles, Counselling, Tarot Reading, Oracling Sessions, Space Clearing, House Blessing Ceremonies, Bespoke Ceremonies, Handfastings, Rites of Passages, Goddess Events, Workshops and Lectures.
Since 2013 Sarah has facilitated several Goddess Trainings at the Turin Goddess Temple and all around Italy: 3 year Wheel of Avalon and Diana Training, 1 year Oracle Training, 1 year Wheel of Avalonia, Morgana and Viviana Training.
Coatlicue, the Aztec Great Mother of transformation
With Aline Castell Velasco

Coatlicue is the one with the skirt made of snakes. She is the Aztec triple Goddess, and one of the most important Goddesses in Latin America, with four hundred names and faces. She is the one with duality inside of Her, life and death, action and peace, creation and destruction: movement.
Aline Castell Velasco is a Priestess of Avalon since 2010. She is Creatrix of the Latin American Goddess Training: Priestess of the Goddess in México and Latin America.
She is the organizer of the Mexican Goddess Conference. She has led the magic and meditation school ‘Sirio’ since 2003.
Aline graduated with honours, from ITESM University, in Communication Science, and she has a degree in Feminine Psychology from the INEP México. She studied History and Sociology at the University of British Columbia, in Canada. She has a diploma by the Instituto Hemingway, Bilbao, Spain. She studied at the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Aline began her esoteric journey in 1988 and her path in the world of Mexican Magic in 1995. She was part of the Hermetic Foundation, endorsed by the Golden Dawn, where she studied Kabbalah Mysticism, Alchemy and therapeutic Tarot. She has travelled around the world taking different courses and conducting workshops and conferences. She has participated in various national and international radio and tv shows. She published, in newspapers and magazines in Mexico, different papers related with magick and Mexican Goddesses myths. See more here.
Lifting the Veil of Maatreís from the land of Viteliú, Italy
With Freddie Finotto

It is the crack of dawn. A beam of timid light dances among the leaves of a holm oak grove, In the distance, the nurturing sounds of water running down the hillside. A dove hovers in flight, soaring above the dragon of stone. Maatreís’ descent ripens the pomegranate. I shall offer you Her red seeds of knowledge and healing.
Freddie Finotto was born in Southern Italy, in the heart of Campanian Etruria: Capua or Campeva, the “City of Marshes”, also known as Volturnum, later named Kapu by the Samnites. He grew up along the Southern banks of the river Volturno, in the meander that hosted the Roman river port of Casilinum. He recognised and cultivated his love for Nature since he was a child, especially Mount Tifata, where the Sanctuary of Diana Tifatina was erected, and for Sacred Archaeology. As a guardian of Capua’s sacred matres of Mater Matuta and a researcher of the wisdom of the ancient gylanic cultures, he dedicated his life to Goddess and his Avalonian lineage as a Priest of Avalon (in training).
He is a co-founder of Kaíla Maatreís, the Temple of the Great Mother of Safinim, which celebrates the ancient indigenous Goddesses and heritage of the land of Viteliú (Italy).
Finding Cale, the Double Goddess of Portugal – my Land
With Luiza Frazao

Cale is the Hag of the winter, that arrives at the end of October, and also the Summer Queen that returns in May. And we are still celebrating Her and the rhythm of Her year with pomp and circumstance, because She is wise and cunning, She managed to survive hard times. As an archetype of strength, resilience, freedom and independence, we need her more than ever…
Luiza Frazão, Priestess of Avalon, of Rhiannon, and of the Garden of the Hesperides, is a Goddess ceremonialist, trained in Glastonbury at the Goddess Temple. She is a soul healer, Founder of the Temple of the Goddess and creator of the Wheel of the Year of the Garden of the Hesperides, Portugal. She is a Priestess trainer, spiritual and self-development teacher, Goddess-inspired courses and workshops facilitator, guide of sacred walks and pilgrimages, and an international speaker. Luiza is also fluent in Spanish, French and English. She is co-founder and host of the Portuguese Goddess Conference. Luiza is a Goddess researcher and author of the book: A Deusa do Jardim das Hespérides: Desvelando a Dimensão Encoberta do Sagrado Feminino em Portugal (The Goddess of the Garden of the Hesperides: Unveiling the Hidden Dimension of the Sacred Feminine in Portugal).
The Triple Sun Goddess and the Solar Boat
Wisdom from the Dolomite Mountains, Northern Italy
With Laura Ghianda

Learn of the Goddess as She has been seen in the Dolomites. There She is Lady of Water and Fire, Queen of the threshold, Triple Sun and Mother of the Underworld-Sun, the reign of Midnight. From the pre-herstory to modern days, She offers you Her gifts to bring into your life.
Laura Ghianda was born in Venice and called by Mother Mountain of the Dolomites to live on Her slopes. Laura is Priestess of Avalon and of Rhiannon, a mother and educator, co-founder of the Circle of Avalon in Italy, polyhedral artist, researcher and speaker. Laura teaches “Goddess Practices and Philosophy” courses, and specially works with passion on a Goddess-based mountain spirituality. ARTivism (social and artistic activism) is part of her spiritual practice, as she really believe we are all called to continue Her Creation, that did not end ‘at the beginning of time’.
Facebook Goddess Pages: (italian – translation available)
Returning to the Elemental Iberian Goddesses of Air, Fire, Water and Earth
With Jana de Madrid

At some point in history, the elements were divided into masculine and feminine, into ‘lighter’ and ‘desirable’ as opposed to heavy and ‘rejected’. However, if we look at popular folklore, we can find that the old stories tell us about Goddesses of all the elements. Looking at ourselves in their sacred faces we can embrace all the parts of which we are made. Goddesses Mari, Ama Lur, Eguzki, Benzozia, Noctiluca and others are waiting to share with you their old wisdom for a new future.
Jana de Madrid lives in Madrid, Spain and trained as a Priestess of Avalon at the Glastonbury Goddess Temple. Jana co-created the first two Goddess Conferences in Madrid in 2010 and 2011, and co-founded the “Templo de la Diosa en Madrid” (Madrid Goddess Temple). She teaches a three year training for Priestesses and Priests of the Goddess in Iberia at “Escuela de Misterios de Iberia” (School of Mysteries of Iberia). This training, now on its seventh edition, is focused on the Goddesses of the land of Iberia, that is now Spain and Portugal. Jana is now working hard to create a new Goddess Conference in Madrid, that will take place in September 2020, “Al encuentro de la Diosa”, whose theme will be “Searching for the source of pleasure”.
Aphrodite: Great Goddess of Love, Sacred Sexuality, Alchemy, Life, Death and Regeneration
With Maya Vasallo

Aphrodite was called “the Great Goddess”, because the people who adored Her knew very well how powerful, complete and great She was. She was so immense that She became the Goddess about whom patriarchy raged more and felt the urge to diminish, disempower, dismember and often ridicule Her. Though She is the most famous Goddess in the whole planet, maybe also because She is the most represented in Art, the majority of people still associate Her “just” with beauty and sex, very powerful forces that move the world of course, but She’s much more than that. Much more than the disempowered and scornful, yet artistically enchanting- representation by Botticelli.
Indeed She is a way more ancient parthenogenic Goddess that gave birth to Herself emerging from the Sea. She was a Goddess of Life, Death and Regeneration, Goddess of the World and the Underworld, Goddess of the Sun and Moon, Goddess of Alchemy, Sybil, She was the Earth, the Sky and the Sea, She was a Cosmic Goddess.
Are you ready to change your ideas about Aphrodite and fall in love with Her? Ready to enter Her Ancient Mysteries, unveiling Her most hidden Essence? Ready to have a juicy taste of Her Art of Love? Ready to dive deep into Her Abyss, collect the most beautiful Pearl and be for ever En-Chanted by living in Her Ecstatic Presence?
Maya Vassallo is Priestess of the Sea and Priestess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality and the founder of the Roma Temple of the Great Goddess (Tempio della Grande Dea) dedicated to Aphrodite and to the Lady of Avalon, the first modern physical Temple to be raised in Italy, in Rome, over 2000 years after the destruction of all the temples dedicated to female divinities by patriarchy.
Maya teaches worldwide the 3 year sacred Training “Priest-ess of the Sea, Priest-ess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality”©, the 1 year online Training “Daughter/Son of Aphrodite”© and many on-line and in-person courses in English and Italian. She’s been the creatrix and weaver of the “Roma Goddess Conference”© since 2019.
She trained with her Teacher and Spiritual Mother Kathy Jones as a Priestess of Avalon at the Glastonbury Goddess Temple. She’s also a ceremonialist, healer, actress, writer and artist and she internationally holds workshops and talks concerning Goddess Spirituality and the need to re-establish a matrifocal structure in our society. Her journeys through many Sacred Lands around the world such as Cyprus, Glastonbury, India, Thailand and Mexico and her studies with internationally renowned teachers have played a very important part in her training.
She passionately and professionally dedicated her life to spiritual, archaeomythological and anthropological research about Aphrodite and to the study of many shamanic and spiritual traditions, holistic medicine, healing-energetic therapies, tantric practices, body-breath-voice-dance techniques, which she now harmoniously teaches in her remarkable on-line and in-person Trainings.
To know more about Maya Vassallo’s Training and Courses, please visit the website:
Or the Facebook and Instagram pages:
Aphrodite Mystery Path, Tempio della Grande Dea – Roma, Roma Goddess Conference