Chakra Balancing for Birth:

A Sacred Birth Centre Journey

with Alison Shaloe

Chakra Balancing

Welcome to “Chakra Balancing for Birth”, a 21-day journey tailored specifically for expectant mothers seeking a harmonious and empowered birthing experience. Every three days, you will receive an email packed with valuable insights on each chakra and its vital role during pregnancy and birth. In each session there will be ideas on how to balance your chakras. It will include affirmations, self-exploratory questions followed by a meditation to balance each chakra and prepare you for birth. This course is designed to foster deep connections—between you, your baby, and your inner wisdom—preparing you physically, emotionally, and spiritually for birth.

The aim of the programme is to feel empowered and ready to welcome your baby into the world and to connect with the Birthing Goddess within.

In this programme you will :

  • Learn how the chakras help you to connect to your body’s birthing wisdom
  • Become more aware of your very subtle energy body which can prepare you for pregnancy and birth
  • Be more aware of the individual chakras bringing you into balance and energetic alignment for birth
  • Bring more awareness to the sacred aspect of birth with practical tools to feel confident and aligned to give birth
  • The meditations are an opportunity to connect deeply with your body, your baby and your intuition, which are so important for birthing

You’ll learn fear and emotional release methods to utilize during pregnancy and labour to alleviate pain and soften and open into pleasure.

You will connect to your natural instincts and birthing movements that will allow you to feel into your innate power and strength during birth so that you can experience birth as a powerful and spiritual rite of passage.​

This is a three-month training although as the content is pre-recorded, it is possible to do it at your own pace and complete it in a longer or shorter time frame.

How to Register for the Course

You will be given access to the training immediately on payment of the course fee of £107.00. Simply click on the button below to get started!

Course Content Breakdown

Day 1

  • Introduction to the Course
  • Root Chakra: Delve into the root chakra, discovering ways to align this chakra for birthing.
  • Affirmations and Meditation: Guided meditation to ground yourself and connect with Mother Earth to build a strong foundation for the birthing process.

Day 3

  • Sacral Chakra: Learn more about your seat of creation, emotional balance, sexuality and sensuality and its significance  for birthing.
  • Affirmations and Meditation: A guided meditation to connect your body, to your womb space and your baby in the womb.

Day 6

  • Solar Plexus Chakra: Discover your personal power, increased confidence, empowerment and freedom from control.
  • Affirmations and Meditation: To balance your power centre and move from vulnerability to responsibility and empowerment for birthing.

Day 9

  • Heart Chakra: Uncover the heart chakra’s role in love, connection, and compassion for your birthing experience and welcoming your baby into the world.
  • Affirmations and Meditation: A meditation to open the floodgates to unconditional love and connection to your baby.

Day 12

  • Throat Chakra: Explore the importance of communication and self-expression for your pregnancy and birth.
  • Affirmations and Meditation: A meditation to balance your throat chakra to strengthen your voice to share your birthing truth and to feel heard, all of which is necessary for birthing.

Day 15

  • Third Eye Chakra: Connect with your intuition, your inner wisdom  and foresight to guide you on your birthing journey.
  • Affirmations and Meditation: A meditation to sharpen your inner vision helping you to create the birth you want.

Day 18

  • Crown Chakra: Explore spiritual connection and universal consciousness with the crown chakra.
  • Affirmations and Meditation: The meditation will expand your awareness, connect you with your female ancestors and the Divine mother to support you with your birthing process.

Day 21

  • Earth and Soul Star Chakras : An introduction to these chakras to connect with your birthing wishes and connection to the Earth and universal source energy.
  • Affirmations and Meditation : A holistic review of all chakras culminating in a full-spectrum rainbow meditation, celebrating the unity and balance you have cultivated.

Don’t miss this opportunity to align your energy and prepare for the profound experience of childbirth with serenity and strength. With each day’s content, you’ll gain invaluable knowledge and practices that nourish the mind-body-soul connection essential for a sacred and harmonious birth. Feel grounded, centred and empowered.

Enrol in Chakra Balancing for Birth today and step into your birthing experience with grace and confidence.

About Alison


Alison Shaloe is an experienced midwife and lactation consultant, specialising in breastfeeding and tongue tie. She has worked both within the NHS and in private practice in the UK. She is also a Havening trainer, an energy healer, spirit baby intuitive, women’s empowerment facilitator and the author of Baby Talk to Me – Spirit Baby Messages for the Journey to Motherhood.