Inner Journeys to the Heart of Goddess
With Kathy Jones, Priestess of Avalon
Select below your choice – enroll for individual lessons or the full course.

Journey One: Visit our Goddess-loving Ancestors
Our First Journey will take you to visit our Goddess-loving Ancestors who created sacred spaces within the ancient caves of Europe and around the world. There they left their mark in extraordinary paintings of animals, in carvings and sculptures of Goddess.
Above image: Salle du Fond, Chauret Caves, France

Journey Two: Goddess Temples in the Ancient World
Rekindle your connection to a Goddess Temple in the ancient world. An opportunity to find your way back to lives lived in service to Goddess, as Her priestesses, priests, healers, artists, craftspeople, seed sowers, food gatherers, breadbakers, etc…
Above image: Su Romanzesu Nuraghic Water Temple, Bitti, Sardinia

Journey Three: to the Isle of Avalon
Travel in the barge with Her Priestess across the Lake of Avalon to the Sacred Isle to meet the beings who dwell there. Explore the Island and receive the Wisdom of the Lady of Avalon, who dwells there. Avalon is the ancient and ever-present home of Goddess.
Above image: Glastonbury, gateway to the Isle of Avalon, shrouded in Her Mists

Journey Four: Opening to Her MotherWorld
A Journey into the future where MotherWorld is in existence, where Mother Earth, mothers and the values of mothering and caring are alive in the centre of our societies. Experience what it feels like to live in such a world!